Welcome to The Third Season of The Exploding Head Podcast!

My podcast is back!
There are still many things in this world that make my head wanna explode, there are still many things to deconstruct, educate ourselves about, and oftentimes unlearn.

What Just Happened in Ecuador?

The people of Ecuador have just had a national strike – and won!
After more than two weeks of country-wide protests, the current government has agreed to meet their demands.
What was happening there and why?
To answer these questions, hear what two journalists reporting on Ecuador have to say.

When an Empire Offers You a Moral Compass, You Can Pass

As the war in Ukraine has started, we have seen some absolutely hypocritical statements made by U.S. officials.

But they’re only hypocritical if we know a bit of the context here.

And when we do, we are much better equipped to construct our own moral compasses, without any help from the U.S. This is what I illustrate and explain much better in my episode.

The Exploding Head Podcast Goes into its Second Season

Although my articles didn’t stop, my podcast did take a needed break⁣⁣.
Now, I’m back for the second season of The Exploded Head. In its intro episode, I review what I’ve talked about already and give you some ideas of what I’ll be covering in the near future.

The Dangers of Dehumanisation

Dehumanisation is a prerequisite for some of the darkest things we’ve witnessed in our history. Slavery, genocides, torture, mass killings – just to name a few, and it’s one heavy list already. That’s why, we have to learn to notice it and to call it out.

It’s Time For Your Political Attitude Checkup!

This is my attempt to do a deep dive into concepts like political ideology, economic systems, and, ah, the focus of my rather dense episode, political attitudes. What does it mean to be liberal or conservative according to the framework of political attitudes? Is it always straightforward? (You’ve guessed correctly: no).  In this episode, IContinue reading “It’s Time For Your Political Attitude Checkup!”

What Good Happened in 2020?

I talk about political changes that took place in Argentina, Bolivia, and Belarus. Why the women in Argentina can breathe more easily, why the indigenous population of Bolivia is hopefully feeling safer, and why what the people in Belarus are engaging should inspire us all.