If You’re Concerned for Ukrainian Civilians – And Civilians Everywhere – You Should Strongly Condemn The Use Of Cluster Bombs

No matter how much you want a certain war – like the war in Ukraine – to end, there are some weapons that you simply shouldn’t want to see used anywhere. Cluster bombs are an excellent example having littered multiple countries, and not allowing them to recover years – and sometimes decades – later. Here’s what you need to know about them.

Bombs Don’t Liberate

Both mainstream media and state-owned media have their agendas. Can we educate ourselves to notice them or do we continue attributing concepts like “propaganda” to “the other” and words like “liberation” to what our governments are doing?

Iran, Ukraine, And Logical Fallacies

Being for a people’s revolution is not the same as calling for a coup (in Iran). And calling for a negotiated settlement hoping it will end a brutal war is not the same as supporting the invader (in Ukraine).
In order to have discussions where we actually aim to understand what the person means, we have to notice logical fallacies. We have to create space for nuance.

When an Empire Offers You a Moral Compass, You Can Pass

As the war in Ukraine has started, we have seen some absolutely hypocritical statements made by U.S. officials.

But they’re only hypocritical if we know a bit of the context here.

And when we do, we are much better equipped to construct our own moral compasses, without any help from the U.S. This is what I illustrate and explain much better in my episode.